If I have this story wrong then please correct me because it’s a rumor which has been going around for a decade and a half. NBC guaranteed Steven Spielberg could do 90+ episodes. The show was canceled after two seasons. So were did the 40+ missing episodes go? They were never made...and yes, Spielberg still got paid. Sweet deal if you can get it.

One interesting note about the opening credits: At that time, it was considered a great technical achievement to superimpose the TV image on the screen and have the reflection of the viewer in the glass.

There were several nice stories in this series. Many almost had a Ray Bradbury feel to them. And it was great that they got veteran actor Ray Walston to be the host. So why did it only last two seasons? Who knows. We’re talking about an anthology series, remember? Normal rules of logic and TV programming do not apply. Many of these episodes having all-star casts may have driven the budget up more than NBC would have liked. (Remember, this is the same network which thought Star Trek had run its course. Yes, NBC, you will ALWAYS be reminded of this. *snicker*) Here are some of the better stories.

#01 Ghost Train - Grandpa doesn’t like where the new house is built. Why? Because he was almost part of history 75 years ago...and time may be catching up with him. Blossoms is excellent! His relationship with Haas has to be seen. This was a great way to start the series.

#08 Mr. Magic - Sid Ceasar plays an aging illusionist who finds a very special deck of cards. Played with grace and dignity. Only someone of Ceasar’s caliber could have pulled this story off.

#09 Guilt Trip - On a cruise, the embodiment of Love and Guilt have an affair to remember. Dom DeLuise is a hoot and Loni Anderson is at her most gracious. It isn’t surprising these two have such a good relationship on screen since they’ve been friends in real life for years. Burt Reynolds, their other best friend (at the time), directed.

#16 Gather Ye Acorns - A troll tells a young man he’ll be a happier man if he doesn’t throw anything away. Interesting message which has even greater significance fifteen plus years later.

#18 Dorothy and Ben - After a 40 year coma, Ben wakes up and finds he can hear the voice of a little girl in a coma. It’s amazing how Seneca can walk effortlessly through parts like this. Yes, it’s another warm, fuzzy feel good episode.

#24 Grandpa’s Ghost - This one’ll tug at your heartstrings more than any other. Andrew McCarthy plays a young man whose grandmother keeps seeing her husband...even after he’s dead.